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Lilly Barrett
Lilly is a fifty something mother of two gorgeous, independent grown up girls and two cute little fur babies and a husband.

She lives in outback Western Australia amongst gum trees, red dirt and kangaroos.

Nobody knew she was writing a book until she told them all after she published Eternally Mia's. Shocked and amazed come to mind when they found out.

It's always been her dream to be an author and it was on her bucket list for later, but she had a story in her head and it needed to be told. so she grabbed her computer one day and it almost wrote itself.



Megan Anderson

Megan Anderson has been writing since before she could actually spell and published her first poem when she was fifteen. She grew up in Cincinnati and went on to study education at Miami University of Ohio. Currently, she lives with her cat, Luna, on the outskirts of Philadelphia.

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Russell Nohelty


Russell has written a little of everything in his life; movies, series, web content, articles, and nearly anything where the pen can conquer the sword -- along with many where it couldn't. 

But mostly he writes novels these days, both graphic and traditional. He wrote all of Wannabe Press's launch titles and still releases 1-2 books a year through Wannabe. 

He started writing because the voices in his head needed to live on their own. He set up condos for them in the various worlds of my imaginary universes, and he'll continue to do so as long as he's able. The fact there are other people who like what he has to say is unbelievable to him. He truly cherishes every one of his fans.


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